One day when I was in college, I made an expired box of Pasta Roni. I really didn't pay attention to those pesky expiration dates back then. Wrong move. So there I am in my blissful ignorance boiling the noodles in the water, and creepy crawly bugs started trying to crawl out of the boiling hot water. It still gives me the chills, and this was years ago. I did what any other normal girl would do. I slammed the lid on the pan, took it off the burner, and called my dad. I made him drive 15 minutes to take care of the pan with the bugs. I was about to throw the whole pan away! In all fairness, I think my dad was planning to come over anyway for something, but I don't think he was planning to do my dishes. It took me a few years to eat the box mixes again but I did. Now that I found this recipe, I'm good. No more boxes of Pasta Roni...and no more bugs. Sick.
Anyway, this is a great stove top mac and cheese recipe, and I'm excited to try a lot of different varieties. Next time I'm going to add a garlic clove in the milk while the noodles are boiling, and I'm going to try different cheeses. Boiling the noodles in the milk makes it so creamy and delicious, and it's a great treat!
Shells and White Cheddar Recipe
Makes about 4 side dish servings
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2 cups milk
2 cups shells
1 cup white cheddar cheese
In a medium saucepan, bring the milk and pasta to a simmer over medium heat. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring often and making sure that the milk doesn't boil. Once the pasta is al dente, remove from heat and add the cheese. Stir until melted. If you like it a little creamier, you can add more milk. Add salt to taste.
Source: Adapted from Macaroni and Cheesecake