Anyway, because I also have an in-home bakery, I occasionally get asked how I stay thin (or relatively thin--although no one actually says that to my face). My reply to that is I'm not as skinny as I used to be. And that is the truth. Since I kept seeing the numbers go up and up on the scale, I decided to start running. But...
I. Hate. Running.
I like to walk briskly (you know, walk for exercise), but I really don't like running. It's not enjoyable to me, and it never has been. However, I know it's a pretty good way to get my heart rate up and burn off those cupcakes or ice cream or brownies. My friend was doing a program called Couch to 5k, so I asked her about it and started it 6 weeks ago.
It's a really great program. It starts you off slow, like the name implies, with 60 seconds of running and 90 second of walking, repeating for 20 minutes three times a week. Then it increases the amount of time you spend running until it rips the training wheels off at the end of week 5 and makes you run for 20 minutes solid. And by running, I mean jogging. And by jogging, I mean barely picking my feet up and huffing and puffing. Jello legs anyone? I really didn't feel I was ready for 20 minutes and no one seemed to ask my opinion but I did it. Slowly and in pain, but I made it.
I'm getting better at running and much stronger. I'm still very slow, but I definitely have seen an improvement since I started. I'm done with all the interval training and now am just building my time, and I know I'll get faster. For now, I'm proud of myself for sticking with it for so long. If you hate to run or love to run but haven't done much physical activity all winter, this is a great program. All they ask is 30 minutes or less three times a week. I really suggest you check it out. It definitely is working for me! And for those of you who say you can't run because of the weather, I ran the day after it snowed two feet. I've ran in 30 degrees and 75 degrees. Thankfully, it's warming up, but I know we'll have more snow storms that I'll have to power through.
Another blogger, Katrina from In Katrina's Kitchen, is doing the same program, and we're at the same spot. She has a funny post about it along with some great cookies!